
Celebration of Mother’s Day Dinner 母 親 節 聯 歡 晚 宴 with Chinese ErHu Performing Arts 二 胡 獨 奏

  • 09 May 2014
  • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Jade Dragon Chinese Restaurant, 3958 N. Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80917 http://www.jadedragoncolorado.com/location.aspx


Registration is closed
母 親 節 聯 歡 晚 宴
Celebration of Mother’s Day Dinner

二 胡 獨 奏
With Chinese ErHu Performing Arts

Presented by

Liping Woods, grew up in Chongqing, China and learned to play ErHu (Chinese Violin) at age 12. Liping came to the United States in 1991 pursing graduate studies, and is an IT professional in the healthcare industry.

FRIDAY, MAY 9, 6:30PM TO 9:00PM

Traditional Gourmet Chinese Dinner
at Jade Dragon Chinese Restaurant

3958 N. Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80917

涼拌海蜇  Chinese Cold Cut Platter
韭菜鮮肉水餃  Chinese Chives with Pork Dumplings
牛肉捲餅  Chinese Beef Burrito
鮮蝦扒豆腐  Shrimp with Tofu Dish
蟹肉餛飩  Crabmeat / Cream Cheese Wonton
豬肉掛包  Pork Wrapped in Bread Pouch
醋溜魚片  Sweet & Sour Fish Filet
冬菇佛手瓜  Chinese Chayote / Black Mushroom
燒餅包鴨絲  Shredded Duck In Chinese Biscuits
茶水  Hot Tea

Cost: $30.00 per Person $27.00 for CSCCI Members

This is a special event with limited seating. Please RSVP by sending payment to CSCCI, P.O. Box 2625 Colorado Springs, CO 80901. Or, register online at www.cscci.org.

Payment must receive by May 8, 2014. Any questions please call 719-287-7624.
 Tel: 719.343.6003  CSCCI P.O. Box 38861 Colorado Springs, CO 80937 Email: web.cscci@gmail.com
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